Saturday, September 24

halal bi halal

18 September 2011, halal bi halal keluarga besar Sastratenaja

big family

generasi ke 5



labels of mine-_-

label ini buat post-post yang isinya nyeritain hal-hal yang ngga jauh dari temen-temen. temen di almughni, 41, nf, yang penting temenlaaah... bisa ngenalin mereka, berbagi kisah tentang mereka, nyeritain kejadian bareng mereka, semuaa tentang mereka deh pokoknyaahh :D

label ini buat post-post tentang kutipan dari buku-buku, tokoh di komik, promosi novel, apa pun bacaan bagus kuceritain disini :)

itu semua tentang Musikal Laskar Pelangi. ada lirik-lirik lagu, websites, dll.

tentang ekskul dong pastinya. latihan sehari-hari ekskul, pelantikan, rapat, acara akbar, dll

curcol gpt
post tentang curcol. mostly posts curcol semua sih yang di label-in ini berarti ada sesuatunya-__-

every posts of this label contains photo. but not every post-containing-photo labeled with this this label (?)

about familieesss!!! i am a part of Sastratenaja family's fifth generation, we're madurese :)

hm, biasanya ini isinya post-post galauu~~~ gaya bahasa sok-sok novel gimana gitu. tentang curcol, randoms.


Saturday, September 17

junior high

it's about my experience of being a junior-high-student this far....

seventh grader...

a seventh grader must adapt their surroundings. especially friends and also seniors. they can choose extracurricular available and learn much. remake the time management of their own. being special to seniors is also important. when you're in a casual chit-chat with them, you can get their experience in your new school. you can learn about your teachers. understand your teachers sometimes good to simplify your task and lessons.

eighth grader...

it's the most simple year of junior high! teachers give you less task than when you're in seventh grade. maybe it's because you're holding position of extracurriculars. yap, extracurricular will be your business in eight grade. but i think ekskul doesn't mind me. it'! we chose our ekskul so we can enjoy what chosen by ourselves.

first semester, you have to learn much about managing your ekskul. you have to prepare yourself for being the next ekskul-holder. and then what you have to do is just wait. wait until your senior hold inauguration.

second semester. you join the inauguration, and do as good as you can. see what position your senior give to you. believe them, it's the best position for you. now, do the best for tasks of your position ;)

eighth grade is the best time for you and your generation. you do ekskul with your friends, you have more time to play and hang out with your friends because your less task. it's the best year!

ninth grader...

i think it's the hardest year of junior-high. and yes it is.

first half year, your teacher is boosting! they boost the lesson, a chapter for each meetings may be. your task is blooming again. because two hour lesson don't enough for the subject, your teacher give homeworks, personal and groups. mini-deadline huh.

first half year, between all academic tasks. you still manage all this ekskul needs. you have to do-do-do much thing of this ekskul. you have prepare your ekskul-member who should replace your position next period. you have to teach them all about managing this ekskul. it's so tiring enough. and then you hold inauguration for them. choose positions for them.

but just enjoy the dayssss. ninth graders can hang out too. hang to your friend's house to do homeworks. after it, you can webcamming, cooking, exploring your friend's childhood photo album, play-laugh-chat-fun! the mini-deadline can be managed. you can learn to be a good time manager. your time management won't be too different.

last semester of your junior high school moment...

several months to go! this year you have to do aaaaaalllll school program. there will be many additional lessons. pendalaman materi reguler, PM khusus; upper and lower, ya that's what i know. that's all for prepare ourselves to the national exam. after final exams, the program focused solely to the national exam.

huaaaahhhh i don't know how it is, all i know is it's HARD. ekskul doesn't mind you at all. you've give the position to your juniors, and then you have no tasks of it... just focus to the lessonssssssss ugh....wish me luck~!

oh yaaaaaa. after all those hardness, all you have to do is nothing but make the last time with your generation the best moment ever. make generation's yearbook as perfect as possible. farewell trip and farewell party. don't mess up your last moment :)


Saturday, September 10

Simfoni Semesta Raya

yesterday was the Grand Launching of Kompas TV. starts from 7 pm, live from Jakarta Convention Center.

i watched from, hm Giring nidji sang 'Yang Terlupakan'. i read gita gutawa's tweet via her account @gitagut,

but i was lateeee uhuhuh, i didn't watch her performance :(

i want to, no no i have to watch reruns of this show! today, 1.00 pm, kompas tv

what excites me? Musikal Laskar Pelangi Ensemble's performance, and Gita Gutawa featuring Kanya. their performance were socool :) i've watched it via youtube hehe, uploaded by this account: @OberionPicturesbyNoe

i always enjoy Erwin Gutawa Orchestra and also Magenta Light, they are excites me too. song arrangement by Erwin Gutawa is so amazing. so i must, watch the rerun from the beginning hahaha-___-

i love the folk songs of indonesia, re-arranged by erwin gutawa, sang by musikal laskar pelangi ensemble, coool :)


Tuesday, September 6

With Whom Do I Love To Be With

my elementary friends have just got back to jakartaaaa. most of them continue their study at boarding schools. so we can meet and gathering only at holiday.

when i was an elementary school student, exactly when i was a third, fourth, fifth, and sixth grader, i love to be with theeeeem....

Dara Awalia Absyarina
sekarang Dara sekolah di SMPN 73. dia nggak di pesantren sih, tapi kita jarang ketemu. punya kesibukan masing masing *soksibuk*. dia cantik, suaranya bagusbgt, baik, dan stylish. super kaaaan. eh iya dia centil juga:p seru diajak ngobrol, tempat curhat yang enak. waktu sd jago main basket dan bekel *ea. dara tuh kalo baru ketemu pasti ngiranya jutek, tampangnya sinis bgt emang. tapi kalo udah deket keliatan deh, centil, bawel, gila, dan seru yang pasti ;)

it's Aniisa Fitria
Aniisa sekolah di pesantren Al-Awabin. cantik, pinter, lembut. dia orangnya dewasa, problem solving sama dia paling enak deh. she is like our mother. pinter nyanyi sm baca puisi jugaa loh. dia satu pm sama aku pas kelas 6, pm A. kangeeeen muaah sm aniisa {}

yang ini Muzdalifah Zulkarnain Putri aka Zilfa
dia tomboy. dulu dia kepilih club basket. aku sm dara juga kepilih, tapi dia yang paling jago. sekarang sekolah di La Tansa, pesantren juga. suaranya yaoloh cempreng dan gakira kira deh kalo teriak, toa banget. si zilfa ini tinggi loh bikin envyy kurus banget pula. dia pake behel, pas sd kan behel belom tren bgt ya jadi dia suka dicak-cakin 'pager'2 gtdeh haha norak ya. zilfa anaknya polos, rame, seru, berisik. paling suka kalo dia lagi salting, lucu bgt! :)

kita berempat dulu bareng terus, awalnya dara sm aniisa emang udah deket katanya. aku baru masuk pas kelas 3, kita deket deh tuh bertiga. trus pas kelas 4 kita jadi berlima, tambah zilfa sama Syifa.

suatu hari, kelas 5, kita bikin sebutan...RARASALFA. gabungan dari daRA zahRA aniiSA ziLFA. trus ada icon nya loh-__- R pertama, punya dara, iconnya mahkota. R kedua, punyaku, iconnya bunga. S, punya aniisa, iconnya hati. L, punya zilfa, iconnya kupu-kupu. unyu kaaan, hihi kangen sd :3

i love to be with all my elementary friends, they're so lovely. girls, yola, hanny, qonita, daffia, khansa, arifa, aisyah, siti, rani. boys *can'tmention*.

sebuah kelas sementara yang nggak terlupakan...PM A. itu pas kelas 6. ceweknya cuma 3; aku, aniisa, syifa. dan disini aku sekelas sama DIA. dia loh diaaaa, seumur-umur itulah pertama kalinya aku dan dia sekelas. pernah sih kita satu club, komputer, tp yang sekelas PM tuh rasanya lebih spesial-_- kelasnya kan pisah cowok-cewek, jadi sekalinya dibaur...ginideh. cak-cakan nya aniisa sm syifa juga di kelas A. fadhil sm daffa. tebak ajadeh mana yg punya syifa mana yang punya aniisa.

PM A tuh yang nilai try out-nya paling tinggi. berarti yg pinter2 *ea B) tapi kalo nilai kita jelek issh dimarahinnya ganahaaan "kalian ini terpilih, sebagai anak kelas A, blablablaaaa".

suatu hari, pelajaran mtk. kita belajar di kelas 4. nah kelas 4 ini lagi ad
a pelajaran ipa biologi yang tentang daur hidup serangga gitu deh. jadi di kelas ini ada toples2 yang isinya serangga2. ada ulat, nyamuk, semut, sampe...kecoa. yang udah selesai ngerjain soal kan pada jalan2 gitu ya, liat2. nah *kalonggaksalah* fadhil iseng buka tutup toples...kecoa. lalu...kecoa...nya loncat keluar ohmyGod ohmyGod. aku teriak2 lari ke meja guru~~~ trus kelas ini udah kayak tempat sirkus apaan tau deh pada di atas meja, lari2, teriak2, ketawa2. trus kecoa nya berhasil dimasukin lagi. kalo bukan buat percobaan, nggak bakal seribet ini. masalahnya kecoa itu dipunyain orang-__-

apa lagi ya spesialnya kelas ini? yah seru aja. ada daffa, dia, hanif, galib, banyakdeh. tapi yang paling spesial sih dia doang sebenernya hahahaahahaaha apaaansih-_-

ini foto-foto kitaaaaa angkatan #5 SDIT Al-Mughni
pas mau berangkat LDK. itu jaket angkatan kita loh. jelek ya? iya jelek.
wisuda. ini kelas 6 Cut Nyak Dien, yang kita sebut CND (re: si en di)-_-

pas LDK :)
Pentas Akhir Tahun terakhir kita :)
family day, TMII

Monday, September 5

lebaran 2011

it's about lebaran daaaay, yea late posted

it's the big family of Aghung Mami, the one who sitting on the wheelchair. she has twenty grandchild but in this photo, there are only 15. mba izza was taking picture, irshadi rafdian and firzana was on malaysia, and rizki has preceded us, innalillahi :(

that was the same day as another lebaran in Jakarta. we were gathering at aghung mami's house, then we went to aghung parti's, aghung khafi's, aghung sul's, and done :)

in madura, we call grandmothers with "aghung" :)
